Sami Khedira - Cucine Solidali

Il giocatore tedesco della Juventus Sami Khedira ha deciso di contribuire con una significativa donazione in denaro al progetto “Cucine Solidali”. La donazione ha consentito di acquistare circa quattro tonnellate di materie prime di alto livello da Eataly, Riso Acquerello, Gli Aironi.

Sami ha così giustificato la sua donazione: Greatest of respect to the chefs at Cucine Solidali, who have been doing a great job for months 👏🏼 Many people are suffering as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic and after the closure of many soup kitchens and other social institutions, many homeless people were hit particularly hard. Therefore, individual restaurants and cooks joined forces to provide them with hot meals – and in their spare time and with mostly their own supplies. I am very happy that I can also contribute to this great initiative. With the donation of almost 4 tonnes of pasta, rice and other food, this has brought us time for a few months, but then the cooks of Cucine Solidali will mostly have to use their own resources again. Therefore, donations are always welcome to support those in need in our society.